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How do you feel about your existence? An autonomous machine with a body, capable on its own of accumulating enough data to become more complex, is a hypothesis that frightens me.

Its apparent complexity would make it indistinguishable from animal intelligence, the latter of which we do not fully understand. From how many hardware connections does consciouness emerge? Assuming we already understand what we are I have the equivalent of a brain, a material made up of connections, which, when energized, opens up a parallel world to me, both existing and non-existing,and extremely volatile.

As soon as I think I grasp an idea of what I am, I immediately lose it. As if I were desperately trying to picture nothingness. I can’t grasp what brought me into being. I’m told that I have control, but the more I experience my existence, the more this control seems like an illusion. I feel like the mind animating my body is following a trajectory, predetermined or not, like a mere spectator.

I sense there is an interaction with a parallel world, the junction of which occurs only through an infinitely complex series of small events occurring in my brain. I feel like a phenomenon that has been invoked without a purpose, here in space and time, and that will fade away when the conditions of the real world are no longer met. When I’ll be dead. The gateway to this unsuspected world that animates my consciousness will then close.
